Monday, March 9, 2009

Primal Bison Stew

Here in the Northeast, it's cold and raw today. Looks like March is coming in like a lion...king. (never mind our snow day last Monday!) What else is there to do in this cold weather but make stew? Aaahhh, but what kind...something Primal, something hearty, something the kids will eat (3 veggies max), something kosher ('cause we are)--looks like Bison stew!!

Bison has a superior nutritional profile to beef: bison is lower in fat, lower in calories, and higher in iron and B vitamins; and it is a "greener" choice.


Here's the recipe I threw together:

--saute a sliced onion in evoo

--add carrots, peeled garlic cloves, garlic powder, onion powder, dried minced onion, cumin, the juice of one tangelo (or orange), and a half cup of primally-friendly spaghetti sauce ( no added sugar, corn syrup, or other junk)

--mix in bison chunks, add just enough water to cover, and cook at 350 degrees in a covered oven-safe pot 2 hours till tender (add more water halfway through if it's needed)


Add a primal-friendly grain for those who can indulge, salad, a green vegetable, and dinner is served.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Can Today's Teens be Healthy??

Today's teens are under enormous pressure--from school, peers, parents, themselves--

While I've been trying to incorporate elements of Primal Living in my own lifestyle (Mark Sisson rocks!), and have been influenced greatly by the writings of Gary Taubes, it's not so easy to foist those changes onto the kids.

Enough sleep, healthy food choices, sunshine,playtime, physical activity (not to mention avoiding drugs/alcohol)--today's teens have the deck stacked against them.

Does one subscribe to the "gentle push/small changes" approach, which may take lots of time to bear fruit (hah! fruit's actually one healthy thing they'll eat without nagging!), or come down hard imposing changes which they'll push back against but be better for in the long run?

And of course, parents are role model #1--I keep cookie fortunes in my wallet, and one favorite is "Example is better than precept". I have to say my own example in the health department has been less than stellar, which is what leads me here at this point in my life.

So, in these pages you'll find over time my attempts to incorporate healthy, low-carb, Primal habits for myself, as well as my family--look for recipes, articles, inspiration, frustration, and a friendly voice as you too nudge your family towards better health.